College Station Lifestyle Maternity Session

College Station Lifestyle Maternity Session

Every now and then someone reaches out to me for an extra special session, and it’s just too good and sweet for me to pass up. This College Station lifestyle maternity session was definitely one of those sessions. Being a mother of four myself, I absolutely love the opportunity to get to work with couples who are having their first or even tenth child (I haven’t met the couple with ten children yet, but if that’s you I’d love to be in touch 😉)! Devin and Carlos are California transplants and came across my work on Instagram. She especially loved that I’m a documentary photographer and reached out after seeing my work.

My style of capturing a maternity session is to incorporate your real life into your photos. It’s so sweet to look back on your images and see where you really lived and how you really dressed. A sweet little time capsule that you can always look back on. Trust me, ten years from now you’ll be so glad you have these!

Newborn lifestyle sessions are also a sweet way to remember this special time in your life. It passes so fast and you won’t believe how quickly your little one grows.

If you’re looking to hire a photographer for your College Station lifestyle maternity session, you can get in touch with me HERE! xoxo

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