couple touching noses during a College Station Afternoon Engagement Session

Afternoon Engagement Session in College Station | Sam + Genie

I loved this afternoon engagement session College Station a few weeks ago. Sam and Genie live in Boston, but Genie has College Station roots. She was born in Bryan/College Station and moved to New Zealand with her family and lived there until college. She and Sam found each other during their college years and decided to get married at her family’s property here in Texas. I’m so excited to capture their upcoming tented, private estate wedding in a few months!

We were lucky to spend some time together a few weeks ago when they visited town to check on the property and sort out a few things. Since they were traveling, we all had to be flexible with our schedules, and we managed to align our time for a mid-day shoot. In the past, I used to turn my nose up at any time of day with direct, harsh sunlight, but now I love it! It sparks creativity and leads to shots you wouldn’t get otherwise.

One of my favorite images from this set is when they touched noses and Genie shared with me that in New Zealand, when a couple touches noses it symbolizes sharing the breath of life with each other.

Cheers to this fabulous couple! I can’t wait for their big day! xoxo

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